Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Slow weeks, fast months

I’ve never believed the quote “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach” until I met my current professor. He is exactly what ‘they’ were talking about when ‘they’ said that. He may understand Spanish perfectly. He may even be understood by native speakers. However, he can’t teach! When he reads from the book, he not only mispronounces words (simple ones), but he SKIPS words! He mumbles along, acting like he’s not sure of himself, then grades us based on our pronunciation and ability to sound like native speakers. I think the thing I love the most though, is the fact that we have been in his class for two weeks now, and he still doesn’t know the names of at least 75% of the class. And there are only about 15 of us in there.

Enough of that rant. I have to sit and deal with it for 2 hours every weeknight- why waste any brainpower during the day on that sloth?

Last night I was told that I am ‘easy’ and ‘crazy’. Wow. So basically, you just said I’m a psychotic whore. Nice.

And it’s only Tuesday. Can I go home yet?


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