Friday, July 13, 2007

People are strange... or just stupid

It's very interesting seeing London with a group of college kids. Most of them have never been out of the country, so they are complete stereotypical dumb Americans.

Questions I've heard so far:

What's the prime meridian?
What's a subway coach?
What does 'maritime' mean?
Isn't 30 minutes enough time in the British Museum?
Why do they call dollars pounds?

And last I heard, we are missing a guy. We all went out to some clubs last night and at 2am when everything was closing down, he didn't want to go home with everyone. Instead, he wanted to go with the girls he had met. No one has seen him since. This same guy passed out on a park bench a couple of nights ago and was woken up by the police. And he's a senior at UT. Whatta moron.

Paris should be interesting...


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