Thursday, July 05, 2007

Travel Quiz

When entering a musuem, church, castle, or other tourist spot, what is the best location to stop suddenly?

A) Directly inside the door
B) Directly outside the door
C) Directly in front of a popular exhibit, for as long as possible
D) All of the above, especially if you are a large person and/or have several children and strollers surrounding you

If you answered A, B, or C, you are an amateur. Nice try, but keep working on it.

If you answered D, congratulations! You are an expert asshole tourist! You are ready to be a complete pain in the ass in any language. Good job!


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because nobody else wants to see any part of the musuem, church, castle, or other tourist spot. We all came here to see your fat ass and listen to your bratty kids scream their lungs out instead of hear a little history.


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