Friday, July 29, 2005

Ignorance Part II- How stupid is LA?

The ignorance of people in the world today absolutely astounds me.

Yet again on Los Angeles Craig’s List, someone posted the question, “Where was Israel during WWII?” They went on to ask, “If all of these Jews were getting killed in the Holocaust, why didn’t Israel do something about it?”

Of course, there were several misspelled words, but you get the gist of the astounding ignorance being displayed.

Several people responded with the correct answer that Israel didn’t even exist until 1948.

I think my favorite response, however, was the poster who responded that Israel didn’t have a ‘real’ army until 1949. Holy cow.

Are people really this ignorant of world history? It hurts me just to think about it. Ugh.


At 12:46 PM, Blogger The Man said...

The stupidity of people, particularly Americans, is part of the plan for the government to be free to rule as they wish. If more people were encouraged to think for themselves, then where would we be? Utopia, who wants that - certianly not the government. For a bit fewer stupid people, you could visit NYC. It's too expensive for stupid people to live there.


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