Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Not a weak week

Ah…what a good week.

#1- I got accepted to the University of Texas! I can go back in January, and I should be able to finish a degree in Geography in one year, or (my preference) in Journalism in 3 semesters. I may even get super-ambitious and decide to double-major in Journalism and Geography, since I want to be a travel journalist!

#2- I decided to get my ass in gear and lose the rest of this weight. I lost 55 lbs about 2 years ago, and have gained back about 15. I want to lose another 75, so I’ve decided that since I have ZERO self-discipline (not quite sure how I managed to lose the weight previously, other than tons of ephedra), and I’m entirely too busy to cook healthy meals for myself, I’m joining Nutrisystem. I know it’s super-cheesy to be eating pre-packaged ‘diet food’ for every meal and getting support from an online bulletin board, but I think it’s what has to happen.

#3- Shout out

#4- I think the super-cute guy in my class is actually interested in me! YAY! Maybe I can get over #5.

#5- My friend cut off all of his hair (probably more than a foot of gorgeous straight blonde hair) and gave it all to Locks of Love, where they will make it into a wig for a cancer patient. God, he rocks.

#6- Only 7 more classes til I’m done with Spanish forever!

And I’m spent.


At 3:24 AM, Blogger Ali said...

good for you, honey, on all counts!

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you live in Texas. You'll never be "done with Spanish forever"...

Buenas dias!


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